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Oct 10, 2018

Wub a lub a dub dub and other overused catchphrases! What up my squanches? This week we dive into the beating heart of Rick and Morty fandom. We're talking Pickle Rick, arguably the best episode in the best season of one of the best shows in any possible universe. We talk about the whole arc of the show and why some fans who identify strongly with Rick have trouble keeping up with the character's personal growth, to the detriment of everyone who wants to enjoy Rick and Morty. Aw Geeze

Next week we're looking at Galaxy Quest as a meditation on how to grow from toxic fandom back into healthy fandom.

Katie Fustich's amazing article on the Real Ricks: 

Philosophical Background on Nihilism: 

Secondary readings on Toxic Fandom: 

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Recent appearances: Check out Aaron on a recent hangout with Jeremiah Traeger where we talk Pirsig's Quality. We go live Wednesday the 7th at 8pm. and check out Aaron discussing The Good Place alongside Bethany Futrell on Nathan Dickey's A Leap of Doubt Podcast: