Sep 30, 2020
What has eight legs and the advanced cognitive capabilities to get excited we're back?! This Portid! We're fresh from our cryosleep and ready to enjoy easily one of the best books either of us has read. Children of Time! We're starting off with a discussion of the Portids and the ethics of uplifting.
Ethics of...
Sep 23, 2020
Beware the ethics benders my child. The most advanced among them can make even cold blooded murder ethical. We're covering Avatar and combining it with another round of our endless series of debates over metaethics. Highly recommend listening to this interview with Schafer Landau first.
Sep 16, 2020
Free Will...Ethics...Consciousness...Boxes, these are the four elements of the philosophical universe, each element mastered by benders that can shape the very fabric of the metaverse with their will. Into each generation is born one podcast, the Avapod, that can bend all four elements and bring peace to the metaverse....
Sep 9, 2020
Sep 2, 2020