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Oct 28, 2020

Finally, a break from all the depressing social commentary for a lighthearted 80's romp through scenic Detroit. This movie has so much 80's it's legally the equivalent of doing coke off a sex worker. We discuss the less heavily covered topic of replacing police offices with robots, and do our best to try to pretend...

Oct 21, 2020

Are you seriously reading the show notes?! Don't you know that reading is the worst thing you can do in a Lovecraft story? That and being a person of color. And reading while a person of color, that is right out.

We're starting our first of many forays into Lovecraft Country, both the book and the show (and eventually...

Oct 14, 2020

Another epic journey comes to a close and the excitement is PALPable. I honestly have very little to add here beyond a bunch of links to cool studies and the sincere hope that the Portids come and uplift us with their empathy virus one day. I'm here for you Portia.
Prisoners Dilemma studies:

Oct 7, 2020

Ugh, filthy hoot-mans. Truly the worst part of any sci-fi. We must struggle through though as we can't really explain the brilliant climax without explaining the absurd journey of the misguided bipeds. We make it tolerable by focusing on the dangers of uploading/copying human minds in hardware and software.